Saturday, February 25, 2012

SOLD - Pink Corn

Back in October, I visited my mom and sister.  My mom and I drove from South Carolina to Tennessee, and the drive was spectacular!  The fall colors were just so much to take in. I do exaggerate the natural color notes in my art work, but in this landscape in North Carolina, the real colors were not too far from my paint colors!  This is a diptych of two 6x6 paintings.

Painting Ponies

I have embarked on a pony ride adventure of a different sort.  Growing up, I was obsessed with horses.  I drew them, subscribed to magazines, read books about them, bought figurines of them, and eventually wore my parents down to buying me one.  Simba was my Pinto, and this is one of the horse paintings painted with her in mind.  She bucked and threw me once or twice, but I did love her and she was beautiful.  Thank you, Simba.